All of our technicians have undergone previous training with IRATA which qualifies them as Level 1,2 or 3 technicians, (3 being the highest). This means that our technicians have undergone on site training as well as exams. Every stage needs accumulated hours of work to progress up a level which means they are experienced abseilers.
Due to the nature of the work, we do not perform rope access to domestic housing however we do perform rope access services to apartment buildings that have a larger scale.
Firstly visual inspection is performed on the roof to see if there are any anchors in place and to check if they have been certified. If there aren’t any, we install and certify anchors for twin rope access and also install certified fall arrest anchors. From there our rope access technicians rigg up their ropes via the anchors that are in place, set up exclusion zones and drop zones prior to working and then they are ready to continue to abseil down.
Prior to working on glass we inspect the glass for any visual defects such as cracks, holes scratches etc. If we do come across any, we inform the client that there are defects and upon their decision we perform the job. In saying that our methodology of window cleaning is gentle and does not use any heavy hands or materials that will ruin the window.
Putting the safety of our team first, in situations like this we will call off the project until we are 100% safe to continue the job.